‘Boost Good Governance 1.0 & 2.0’ are a series of projects implemented aiming to enhance the openness and transparency of the Kosovo Parliament and the Office of the Prime Minister by encouraging open data practices and increased communication between CSOs and citizens. Boost Good Governance 1.0 has successfully finished by April 2021, while Boost Good Governance 2.0 is the continued effort to be completed by February 2022. Open Data Kosovo will use the funds to address the lack of capacities within the target institutions and foster a better understanding of open data and increase capacities on the Law on Access to Public Documents. Open Data Kosovo will measure the Openness Index, within these institutions, which has been developed and implemented for the past four years through the ActionSEE project funded by European Union and co-financed by NED. This index measures how open the institutions are through desk research, interviews, and questionnaires. In turn, Open Data Kosovo will publish a policy paper which will entail insights from the measurement of Openness Index and ground research on citizen’s perspective. In addition, Open Data Kosovo will engage in different outreach and communication activities to disseminate information to the general public through advocacy events, data storytelling series, infographics, and informative videos among others.
Digital Solutions
Policy Papers
Informative videos