This handbook aims to improve the performance of Ministries in Kosovo in the aspect of data openness. Since Kosovo is ranked 68th in the 2017 Open Data Inventory, Open Data Kosovo with the intention of helping Kosovo improve such a performance has published and delivered this handbook. For equal participation in political life, institutional transparency is a must.
The handbook is divided into different sections, aiming to inform the audience of data openness. It starts off with the basics, and it gets more detailed and goes more in-depth as it approaches the end. The handbook begins by generally laying out ideas on what open data as a concept is and what it comprehends in itself, then it continues by explaining how open data is applied internationally and nationally. The handbook then continues by laying out standards on data openness and continues by pointing out that open data does not require an ordinary license, instead it is associated with an open license. Eventually, the handbook lays out 14 important open data principles that should be applied in order to have a free flow of information.