Financed by GIZ Kosovo, this project will be implemented within the period of 8 months, from 1 July 2021 to 28 February 2022. The project aims to promote the scheme results of the Municipal Performance Grant Clean Environment (MPG-CE): which is a project in itself being implemented by GIZ Kosovo and the Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure from 2018. The aim of the MPG-CE is to promote a better municipal performance in the provision of services to citizens, which awards and allocates funds from national investments through performance-based competition between the local municipalities in Kosovo. ODK in collaboration with GIZ Kosovo will deliver the planned activities regarding this project as visual presentations of the schemes results achieved within the MPG-CE. The main goal of promoting the key outcomes of the MPG-CE throughout this project is to inform and engage the wider audience, i.e. the citizens of the local municipalities regarding the MPG-CE as an important mechanism.
Implementation year: 2018 – 2019