We believe that data disclosure is essential in establishing a good, transparent and accountable governance. Open data is a fundamental way of citizen participation in decision making. Therefore, data provided by government institutions should be public, easily accessible, as well as in open formats.
The Open Businesses platform contains information about 229052 businesses. Within the platform, you can search businesses by name and/or add filters such as municipality, activity etc., to get more specific results. You can also find different forms of visualizations showing the status of businesses in Kosovo. Find out who are the top ten biggest capital businesses. Learn what industry or business activities operate the most in your city. Divide by gender, age, or type of business.
The platform is available in three languages: Albanian, English and Serbian. The data about businesses is extracted from the KBRA’s official site using the method called Web Scraping; the last update has been done on 06/06/2023. Documents with data about businesses can be downloaded freely and easily, in two formats: CSV and JSON.
This platform helps make the data provided by government institutions public, easily accessible, and available in open formats.
You can access the full report here.
*This report has been prepared as part of the Institutional Grant, granted by the Kosovo Foundation for Civil Society (KCSF) through the program ‘EJA Kosova’, co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Sweden and the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.