This platform will serve as a source of information on the work of the school psychologist and contribute to advancing the knowledge and skills of school psychologists, school staff, teachers, and parents in support of the education, development, and well-being of students involved in the system. of pre-university education in Kosovo.
The platform aims to contribute to:
– Advancing the role of the school psychologist in supporting students, school staff, and parents in creating an environment conducive to the development, education, and well-being of students;
– Unifying the approaches of school psychologists in support of students and professional support;
– Raising parents’ awareness of the role and responsibilities of the school psychologist;
– Advancing parental knowledge and skills in supporting children in issues related to school, their development, and well-being;
– Promoting practices based on theory and scientific evidence;
– Providing open publications to all about approaches, theories, and scientific findings that help increase the capacity of the school, parents, and more adequate student support;
– Advancing the knowledge of beneficiaries, including young people about academic programs, and opportunities for professional development of school psychologists, professional network, and collaboration opportunities;
– Advancing the contribution of the department and psychology students in providing scientific evidence and professional support for advancing the quality of schools, the school psychologist, supporting the work of teachers, and parents.
– Discussions with professionals, parents, students about current issues and concerns in our society
The platform contains information and engagement opportunities for:
– School psychologists
– Parents
– School leader
– Regular and supportive teachers
– Assistants for children with learning difficulties and disabilities
– Students and professionals in the field of psychology and education
– Policy-maker in the field of education, social services, culture and youth.
Link to the platform: