Design and establishment of asset declaration systems targeting political representatives and officials in public duty has gained traction as one of the essential tools in the anti-corruption policy toolbox.
Asset Declarations in Central and Eastern Europe – Current Trends is a project of TransparenCEE funded by the United States Department of State – undertaken with the aim of contributing to anti-corruption efforts and democratic development in the region, through the assessment of efficiency and functioning of asset disclosure systems in the 18 participating countries. The value in introducing asset declaration systems resides in: – Contributing to the prevention of conflicts of interest in government, administrative and judicial bodies. – Promoting integrity in the discharge of public duty. – Preventing and investigating illicit enrichment cases and other illegal activities by individuals assuming public functions. – Increasing transparency and citizen trust in government and public institutions.
The data and analysis presented on this platform are a result of joint research endeavours of organisations from Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, and Ukraine. In each country, leading non-governmental organizations working in the field of transparency and accountability of public institutions contributed with providing answers to 35 questions related to the existing rules and systems of asset declarations. The data was collected through a survey conducted in the summer of 2017. The research was gathered by institutions and NGOs from the contributing countries. Besides our engagement in carrying out the research needed in Kosovo, Open Data Kosovo was also responsible for creating and visualizing the report also designing and developing the website.
participating countries
partners that contributed to the research and report
questions presented on the survey
Implementation year: 2017