Digital Agenda Observatory 2020

The online connection between people now is part of their daily life, meaning that Internet services are no longer just for entertainment but are a fundamental part of society. Moreover, the willingness of citizens to conduct work or to conduct payments or services in traditional forms has decreased. Now with the widespread use of technology and the adoption of digital tools and applications, it is allowing citizens and other parties for more direct and faster participation elements that eventually would decrease the time for receiving information or a service.

The Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans is a key pillar of the European Commission’s Western Balkans Strategy published in February 2018. It covers a wide range of areas from broadband infrastructure, public sector modernization, and the digitalization of industry to digital skills and cybersecurity, and a roadmap for lowering roaming charges. Most media, civil society organizations (CSOs), and Governments in the region are do not have the resources or the capacities to cover the issues of e-government and digital rights, denying the citizens opportunities to learn about the current tendencies. Digital Agenda aims to ensure that the citizens of the region can fully reap the benefits of the digital transformation. The commitment to the Digital Agenda will ensure that citizens have the skills to match the demands of the new economy and will help modernize public administrations, strengthen cybersecurity, increase connectivity, and improve the business climate.

The issues addressed by the Report is specifically related to the chapters relevant to the Digital Agenda in particular Chapter 10 – Information Society and Media from the EU’s acquis, with a goal to reinvigorate the issues of the Western Balkans Digital Agenda on the EU agenda.

Read the report in English and Albanian.




Date published

November 4, 2020