Eduperformanca is a digital solution that was developed by 9 young women of Tech4Policy project in order to evaluate high school subjects performances in three municipalities in Kosovo- Viti, Kamenicë and Klinë. Through this platform, students will have a digital tool through which they can freely express their thoughts on certain high school subjects in the respective municipalities. During this project, 250 young girls from all the municipalities of Kosovo have been engaged and have developed prototype digital solutions that contribute to the active citizenry and engagement of the community. After compelting the ICT workshops, 9 young women and their idea was selected for full-development, thus, the EduPerformanca platform has been developed for three municipalities. The three platforms, respectively, Kamenica EduPerformanca, Klina EduPerformanca, and Viti Eduperformanca, based on consultations with the municipalities address a very pressing issue for educational institutions in Kosovo i.e. the evaluation of the subjects taught in schools in regards to the teaching methods used, behavior, work environment etc. In turn, these evaluations that are filled by the students themselves provide crucial insight to the school lead staff as well as the municipalities to assess whether the students are satisfied with the education they are being provided, which in turn enables the identification of areas of improvement in the performance of the respective educational subject. EduPerformanca was developed as part of Tech4Policy project funded by Europian Union Kosovo and implemented by Open Data Kosovo and Girls Coding Kosovo, which aims to promote democratic engagement and support evidence-based policy-making through the establishment of youth -designed digital solutions.
Implementation year: 2017/2019