This report provides an analysis of the 313 contracts monitored in regard to the emergency procurement in Kosovo for the time period of January 2020 – March 2021. The data info of these contracts have been extracted and monitored by Open Data Kosovo (ODK) using the two main data sources: PPRC and ARBK. As such, the gathered data set has been imported to the Covid-19 Contract Explorer (digital platform developed as part of this project). Another point of reference used when analyzing the datasets regarding the 313 contracts, has been the KDI report which has at focus the analysis of Emergency Tenders of the Ministry of Health (4 March to 28 April 2020).
ODK has partnered up with Open Contracting Partnership (OCP) to monitor these contracts and as a result write this report where the figures behind these datasets are analyzed in terms of technical issues and policy related insights. Another goal of this report is to provide additional recommendations on how to address important red flags from the analysis of such data, which can improve the process of the emergency procurement in Kosovo in both aspects.
To read the full report please click HERE.
*This report is part of the project implemented by the Open Contracting Partnership (OCP) with support from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which focuses on improving COVID-19 procurement in order to increase civil society procurement monitoring capacity in certain countries around the world. The focus of this report is the case study of Kosovo as a partaking country in the implementation of this project. This report has been written in collaboration with the Kosovo Democratic Institute (KDI), who has provided their input regarding the policy related insights as included in this report.