SEECheck Network | Fighting disinformation and misinformation through a network of fact checkers

This Action aims to support the resilience of the Southeast Europe information space by strengthening fact-checkers professional networks and independent media to sustainably act against disinformation and misinformation to detect, expose, and act against dis- and misinformation in media through the development of methodologies for fact-checking and debunking of disinformative narratives, as well as awareness raising and capacity building of various stakeholders. The action’s main idea is to strengthen fact-checkers networks and to create a regional synergy that would act against the rising threat of disinformation. 

Target groups: Fact-checkers in the SEE region are the main beneficiaries of the action since they would be a part of most of the network-building activities. Local media outlets and local CSOs are also some of the most important beneficiaries of the action, as well as the Public authorities, and other stakeholders in the media and information fields, such as academia, researchers, and the citizens at large. Implementation of this action began on 1 January 2023, and its implementation period is 42 months. 

This action is implemented by the consortium of the following organizations:




Date published

February 9, 2024