The executive authorities in the region meet on average 48.41% of openness criteria. Although this result represents a slight improvement of about 5% compared to the previous research, there are not many reasons for satisfaction. An increase in the level of openness is most commonly seen as an endorsement by individual authorities in the countries of the region, and not as a rule of the system of government.
The research has once again confirmed that the institutions of executive power are more open as we are moving towards higher organizational levels of government. During the measurement for the year 2018, the Executive Power Institutions of Kosovo scored an overall of 49% of set indicators on openness which is a tie with Albania, whereas both countries share the second place where Montenegro is ranked first which a score of 58% of the indicators. These results show an advancement of the institutions in comparison with last year’s where Kosovo scored 33% and was third in the regional ranking. Kosovo managed to increase its score for every structure in its Executive Power hierarchy, in which the core executive, namely the office of the Prime Minister scored 53%, the executive agencies scored 26% and the line ministries scored an overall of 55%.
The analysis you can read it here in English and Albanian Language.