Analysis of the Openness of the Local self-government in Kosovo and in the region (2018)

In comparison to the second year of measuring (2017) where the regional level of openness of the local self-government was 31.39% which at that time was a decrease of 2.61% in comparison to the first year of measuring (2016), the analysis of the results from the third year of measuring (2018) shows a minimal, yet still disappointing increase of the openness of the institutions with 36.28%. Having an increase of 4.89% of the regional level of openness, the local self-government institutions in the Western Balkans, however underachieving, have managed to exceed the results from the first year of measuring by 2.28%, but generally remain at a non-satisfactory level.

In the regional comparison of local self-governments, Kosovo is ranked second in the region scoring 46% of set indicators, behind Montenegro which scored 57% of set indicators. This is a significant increase in their openness compared to last year’s measurement where this score was only 23% of the set indicators and was ranked last. This increase of the level of openness was the introduction of the newly designed websites of the municipalities which have the same structure and same requirement for publishing information as followed by the Ministry for Local Self Government. As the Ministry for Self- Government was the most opened institution from the Line Ministries, is safe to draw the conclusion that good practices have been passed to the municipalities in Kosovo.

The analysis you can read it here in English and in Albanian Language.




Date published

December 6, 2019