Kosovo Trust Building UNMIK – In May 2018, UNMIK, with the support of UNKT, gathered 120 participants representing a broad cross-section of Kosovo society, including grassroots actors, media, youth leaders and municipal leadership from both majority and non-majority communities, to exchange perspectives on building trust. The full list of 135 recommendations and final report arising from the Forum are available on the Kosovo Trust Building Platform in English, Albanian and Serbian languages. Establishing the Kosovo Trust Building Platform was one of the key outcomes of the Forum. This now-active platform is run by New Social Initiative and is a continuation of the Forum’s discussions on actions needed to build a more peaceful and inclusive society and seeks to promote grassroots and civil society initiatives and efforts by international organizations, as well as institutional policies and actions to advance trust-building in Kosovo. What makes this platform different is that it is the only database that allows you to search for Kosovo-based initiatives all in one place, regardless of location, type of organization, or thematic focus. What are the aims of the platform? Ultimately, the aim of the Kosovo Trust Building Platform is to: provide deserved recognition to the champions in trust building, show the multitude of positive, inspiring changes happening in Kosovo, serve as a repository of trust-building projects in Kosovo, and promote collaboration while preventing duplication of efforts. Open Data Kosovo was engaged in the process of Kosovo Trustbuilding Portal phase 3, where it rebranded the whole website by making it easier to use and fun to work with.
Link to the platform: https://kosovotrustbuilding.com/